About Action Circles and Amy Shollenberger

Learn more about Action Circles, our model, principles, clients and more.


Information we’ve gathered or created that can help you achieve your goals. Some are Vermont-specific, and some applicable anywhere, even outside of organizing.


We focus on preparing and guiding our clients to do their own testifying, organizing, campaigning and winning.

Recent Posts

Transforming Ordinary Workers into Extraordinary Leaders at ADAPTATIONS, Manchester, NH, 11/4

I’ll be presenting at the ADAPTATIONS: Partnerships, Plans & Philanthropy conference on November 4, 2011, at the Manchester, NH, Radisson Hotel. View the full schedule for ADAPTATIONS here.
Transforming Ordinary Workers into Extraordinary Leaders
In this workshop, participants will learn how to effectively use the Action Circles model and Invite-Support-Feedback-Invite loop to build leadership capacity and enthusiasm within their organization. We will learn how to look beyond the board and develop and utilize high-level volunteers throughout the organization, while at the same time strengthening the board and its commitment. Participants will learn how to apply strategies across a variety of communication platforms – from phone calling to facebook. Participants will also learn strategies for effectively getting more of the organization’s leaders involved in fundraising. Participants will receive a toolkit with specific strategies and tips for applying the concepts learned.

Transforming Ordinary Workers into Extraordinary Leaders at ADAPTATIONS, Manchester, NH, 11/4 Read More »

Facebook 101 at the Boston Social Media Summit on September 20th

I’ll be presenting at the Boston Social Media Summit on September 20th, as part of the Facebook 101 panel. My focus will be on how to develop great content for your organization’s Facebook page. Others on the panel will be talking about how to make an editorial calendar, and how to fit your Facebook strategy into your overall media strategy. I’ll also be part of the mentoring sessions at the Summit, offering one-on-one advice to attendees. Find out more about the Summit, and register here.

Facebook 101 at the Boston Social Media Summit on September 20th Read More »

Vermont Yankee: Whose Choice?

The Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant has been controversial ever since it was built in Vernon 40 years ago. Despite protests, the plant was licensed and built and began operations in 1972. As its license nears expiration, Vermonters have been debating whether the plant should be relicensed and continue to operate for another 20 years.

Vermont Yankee: Whose Choice? Read More »