About Action Circles and Amy Shollenberger

Learn more about Action Circles, our model, principles, clients and more.


Information we’ve gathered or created that can help you achieve your goals. Some are Vermont-specific, and some applicable anywhere, even outside of organizing.


We focus on preparing and guiding our clients to do their own testifying, organizing, campaigning and winning.

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Common Good Vermont: Vermont Nonprofit Legislative Day 2014-Speaking the Language of the Legislature-Panel Discussion

From CCTVFebruary 6, 2014 At Vermont Nonprofit Legislative Day 2014, nonprofits from across the state showed their strength and discussed pressing issues. The day began with a Welcome from House Speaker Shap Smith, followed by a panel of luminaries, providing an overview of legislative issues facing the sector, how nonprofits can effectively communicate their impact,

Common Good Vermont: Vermont Nonprofit Legislative Day 2014-Speaking the Language of the Legislature-Panel Discussion Read More »