Here is a list of events (remote or in-person) being held by legislators to communicate with their constituents, forums held for candidates to debate or meet with voters, and other events of relevance to the legislature.
Please help us fill out this resource. Email event details to
Statewide | Addison | Bennington | Caledonia | Chittenden | Essex/Orleans | Franklin | Lamoille | Orange | Rutland | Washington | Windham | Windsor
Addison County
Bennington County
Coffee Hours with Rep. Kath James and Rob Hunter
Saturdays from 9 to 10:30 am!
March 29: Charlie’s Coffee House (Manchester)
April 12: Corner Market (East Arlington)
April 26: Wayside Country Store (West Arlington)
May 10: Charlie’s Coffee House (Manchester)
May 24: Corner Market (East Arlington)
June 7: Wayside Country Store (West Arlington)
Caledonia County
Southern Northeast Kingdom Legislative Breakfasts – NEK Chamber of Commerce
March 31, April 28, May 19
8am – 9am at the St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 1171 Main Street, St. Johnsbury, VT
Chittenden County
Community Conversations with the Essex House delegation (Rep.s Houghton and Dolan)
April 12, 9-10:30 am – Virtual
May 10, 11-12:30 – The Nest
Zoom link will be shared online and on Front Porch Forum the week prior
Essex & Orleans Counties
Legislative Breakfasts, North Country Chamber of Commerce
January 20, 7:30 am at the Eastside
Further dates to come
Newport Rotary Club weekly meeting
Sometimes featuring lawmakers as speaker
Every Tuesday at 12:15 at the Eastside Restaurant on beautiful Lake Memphremagog
Franklin County
Lamoille County
Orange County
Rutland County
Senators’ Breakfast
Saturday, March 29, 2025 at 08:30 AM
Franklins Restaurant, 25 North St, Proctor
Washington County
Farmers’ Night Concert Series
Wednesday evenings at 7:30 in the House Chamber of the State House
Windham County
Windsor County