Title: Religious Rights vs. Individual Rights – Hobby Lobby and Buffer Zones – where do we draw the line?
Topic: The Supreme Court recently made two big decisions regarding women’s access to birth control and protections from protestors at reproductive health care centers. The first is a ruling that gives some employers the power to deny women the new birth control benefits of the Affordable Care Act – allowing bosses to force their personal beliefs on employees. The case, known as Hobby Lobby, is a blow to the general public who overwhelmingly supports the birth control benefit by a nearly two-to-one margin. In her powerful dissent Justice Ginsburg said that “[the court’s decision] would deny legions of women who do not hold their employers’ beliefs access to contraceptive coverage.” We’ll also be examining the effect of another recent decision by the US Supreme Court which unanimously struck down a Massachusetts law that barred protests, counseling and other speech near abortion clinics. What do these decisions mean for Vermont women, men and children? Today we will be talking to Jill Krowinski who is the Vice President of Education and Vermont Community Affairs at Planned Parenthood of Northern New England. Jill lives in the Old North End in Burlington and manages the education and outreach programs for Planned Parenthood.
Guest and links:
Jill Krowinski, Vice President of Education and Vermont Community Affairs at Planned Parenthood of Northern New England